Grade 16MnCrS5
Alloy case-hardening steel, rolled according to DIN EN 10084/DIN EN ISO 683 or in forged condition which is not defined in a standard or in bright condition according to DIN EN 10277.
Use for more highly stressed vehicle and machine components such as camshafts, gearing parts and bolts where higher strength combined with high toughness is required. The annealed delivery conditions ensure defined hardness spans and thus consistent machinability. Case hardening of the components, in which carbon is introduced into the edge area, makes it possible to achieve a moderately high hardness and wear-resistant surface with a tough core. If the focus is on fatigue strength and machining is only of secondary importance, the very similar 16MnCr5 variant – but often with a lower sulphur content – should be considered. In some cases, double certification of both variants 16MnCr(S)5 takes place.
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